Day Fourteen: Slave to the wage

We had a long lie in, because Steph was starting her new job at 10pm in the evening (she works nights). We also made sure we had a fairly lazy day, as she hadn’t done anything to modify her sleeping patterns prior to this. She managed to convince me that a sandwich can be a meal, by ordering Jimmy John’s:

Their slogan is “Subs so fast you’ll freak!” Between ordering online and the delivery guy coming to the door took 17 minutes. Steph swears they’ve done it in less time. It was good stuff, either way.

Steph had some sort of chai drink with hers – the bottle of chai mix made me chuckle:

“Retrieval portal”?! Bloody hippies.

To get out of the house, we decided to go for a walk. We naturally ended up downtown at Jim’s Tap, and on the way I saw this guy…

…who gave me a wave for taking a picture of his awesome pickup. I want that car. Oh, we also saw a squirrel:

On the way back, we took the long way home, crossing the train tracks to the other side of Brookings and walking back along the street adjacent to the tracks. As we came to cross the tracks again, there was a train coming, which was insanely cool. I was stood about fifteen feet from the biggest (and loudest) train I have ever seen:

I also forgot how long trains are over here. We stood for a solid five minutes whilst the train passed.

And then it was time for Steph to go to work:

Her first day! Awwww…

I cleaned the apartment up, had a cwtch with my new best friend…

…and went to sleep.

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